Ahojte! Tak som tu. Vrátila som sa len včera, ale musím sa s vami podeliť o tieto fotky najrýchlešie ako môžem. :D Mala som nádherný čas na dovolenke. Počasie bolo perfektné! Bolo tak horko a slnečno. Jeden deň síce bola krátka búrka a vietor, za čo som bola celkom rada, ale po chvílke sme sa potili zase. Bol aj moment kedy mi chýbalo to naše studenšie počasie, ale keď som prišla naspäť bol to teplotný šok a teraz mi chýba to slnko.
Rána boli skvelé. Nejaký čas po raňajkách len ísť na pláž, zaplávať si v tej čistej, trocha studenej vode a potom si len sadnúť a pozorovať ako sa pláž zapĺňa ľuďmi. Ale slnko bolo lepšie večer keď už tak nepálilo. Konečne som sa aj opálila a mne to pripadá taký rozdiel vždy keď sa pozriem do zrkadla, pretože som mala naozaj bledú pokožku. Bola som taká rada keď som zistila, že môj makeup vlastne nepasuje na môj odtieň pleti. :D
Bola som rada, že idem domov, ale keď som už tu tak mi to aj chýba. Tiež mávate také pocity?
A čo viac prežila som 8 dní bez wifi! Naozaj sa to dá ľudia. Možno by bolo ešte lepšie vyskúsať byť úplne bez mobilu, ale ja som musela počúvať hudbu a samozrejme robiť foky. Tak sa na nejaké pozrite. A napíšte mi aký ste mali týždeň vy.
Hello! So here I am. I just got back yesterday but I have to share these photos with you as fast as I can. :D I had a really beautiful time on holidays. The weather was perfect! It was so hot and sunny. One day was short storm and wind which I was really glad for but just for a while a then we were sweating again. Was a moment when I missed our colder weather but when I actually came back it was a temperature shock and now I miss the sun.
Mornings were most perfect. Some time after breakfast you just go to the beach, swim in that pure, little bit cold water and then just sit down and watch as the beach fills by the people. But the sun was better in the evening when it wasn´t so burning. I got my skin tanned and feels so differnt to me averytime I look at the mirror, because I used to have really pale skin. I was so happy when my foundation actually didn´t match my skin tone. :D
I was quite happy to go home but when I´m actually here I´m already missing it. Do you also have feelings like this? :)
What´s more I have survived 8 days without wifi! :D You can actually do it people. Maybe it would be even better to try not to use your phone at all but I had to listen to music and obviously take photos. So take a look. And let me know how was your week.
I just really like that plant wall art. |
I´ve never taken photo like this before but it was fun to try. It´s not perfect but you know, it doesn´t have to be. |
Sometimes I´m stoppig to everything that says art. |
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Shopping is a must! |
And ice cream as well! |
Comfortable for some hiking. |
fotky su krasne, najviac ta s mesiacom a zapadom slnka! :))
OdpovedaťOdstrániťja som jedna z tych co by radsej isli na dovolenku niekam do zimy.. resp chladsieho pocasia :D
Oh I feel you, I hate unpacking as well and that's the reason I don't pack too much when I'm going away. Have a lovely day!
naozaj nadherne fotky, teraz mi aj tak trochu chyba, ze som tento rok nebola na ziadnej dovolenke pri mori. 8 dni bez wifi by som fakt mohla prezit iba ak by som sa kazdy den dobre zabavala, ale tu doma je to snad uplne nemozne :D no fotit urcite musim, aby bola dokumentacia ako ma byt.