My bookshelf is actually more shelves along walls and they are from Ikea.
But I keep some books on a window near my bed either. The one I´m currently reading for example.

But I keep some books on a window near my bed either. The one I´m currently reading for example.
How do you organize your books?
Even though I've always wanted my books organized in an alphabetic order, I organize them by color. Or at least how covers match. For example, I have this black and white part or a blue one or cozy, mostly brown and green.
What’s the longest book on your shelf?
Dance with dragon by Gorge R.R. Martin.
There are some over 600 pages long but this one's like 1100!
There are some over 600 pages long but this one's like 1100!
What’s the shortest book on your shelf?
Is there a book you received as a birthday gift?
Yes, I got these Alexandra Potter's books from my mother. It was like 3 or 4 years ago and I have to honest I still haven't read them. But I will eventually, I started reading one and I will continue. But since that my mom always asks me to want books I want for a birthday. :-)
Is there a book from a friend on your shelf?
No! Why don’t you buy me books? :-D But I admit it's probably hard to choose a book I would like.
The most expensive book on your shelf?
Dance with dragons. It cost like 28 euros! Even my history encyclopedia was like 15!
The last book you read on your shelf?
1Q84 book 1 by Haruki Murakami.
Do you have a complete series?
Now I find out how many stand alone books I have.
But of course, I can find something complete series. I have this Halo trilogy by Alexandra Adornetto which Is read a long time ago. I have Hunger Games trilogy although as ebooks. Then Across the Universe by Beth Revis.
But of course, I can find something complete series. I have this Halo trilogy by Alexandra Adornetto which Is read a long time ago. I have Hunger Games trilogy although as ebooks. Then Across the Universe by Beth Revis.
Lolita, 1Q84, Iluminae. I got these on April 1st.
I actually even don't mind lend my favourite book because I like it and I want others to read it and then we can talk about it. But there's one book I don't let out of my sight. And that's Funny girl by Nick Hornby. And that's because it's the only book I bought back in London. I really liked that book even though I don't consider it as my favourite, but I have memories with it. And I feel that Britishness out of it. It has that 'buy one get other half price' sticker, a ticket to British museum as a bookmark. And even if someone lost my book I feel like I can repurchase it eventually, but with Funny Girl, I have this feeling I can't buy this exact copy again.
I have a lot of those beat up paperbacks. Like this copy of Fellowship of the ring or Red queen. You can always tell whether I read that book or not, but otherwise, I don't really destroy books.
Probably The Martian by Andy Weir. Because I read it as an ebook first and then I bought physical copy because I really liked it, but I only reread my favourite parts.
A book that doesn’t belong to you?
All mine.
Well, it probably is 1Q84 because it's black and white. But I'm going to choose All the light we cannot see by Anthony Doerr. I like blue, especially dark blue, and this cover has all shades of blue.
Halo by Alexandra Adornetto. Or at least I think. Because I got it when I was putting my child books away, don't worry I put them into boxes and kept them, just to make more space. And it seems to me that I have this book for many years.
Any signed books?
ah, super tag <3
OdpovedaťOdstrániťmam pocit, ze som s knihami v poslednom case akosi pomimo. na citanie teraz prilis nie je cas a v kniznici tiez vacsinou nemaju tie, ktore by som prave chcela. zaujalo ma, ze pises, ze si dostala ako darcek iba par knih, co ma celkom prekvapuje. ja mimo darcekov knihy ani nedostavam, mozno tak 5 ich mam kupenych len tak, ale inak som dostavala knihy iba na Vianoce alebo narodeniny. ale uz rozmyslam, ze si ich radsej budem poziciavat z kniznice. alebo od inych ludi.
ta knizka z Londyna je akt super, ja ked som bola v Anglicku, tak som si aj nejaku chcela kupit, ale hovorila som si, ze na co. teraz to trochu lutujem, ale verim, ze sa tam este niekedy dostanem :)
Ja tiež väčšinou na narodeniny dostávam od rodičov len knihy, ale len tie čo si sama vyberiem. A kamarátom nechcem hovoriť, že túto knihu by mi keď tak mohli kúpiť.