A ešte postrehli ste niekto nový seriál Selfie? S Karen Gilian v hlavnej úlohe. Ja mám rada takéto seriály ako Sirens, Faking it, Young&hungry alebo TBBT.
A čo vy?
Hi there! It's friday! Are you ready for weekend? Anyway, tell me I'm not only DW fan here. I posted here my drawing of TARDIS(I had to use effect). If you're watching DW what do you think about 12th Doctor? I just couldn't get over 11th. But after third episod of new season I kinda started like him. I haven't seen the last episod yet and I have to. Maybe sometimes I'm little bit addict to Doctor Wo. You know, this addiction is of course bigger on the inside!
Also does anyone noticted new comedy serie called Selfie? With Karen Gilian. I love these sieries like Sirens, Faking it, Young&,hungry or TBBT. What about you?
fanusikom Doktora Who sice nie som, ale TBBT mam rada. a aj serial Selfie som chcela zacat pozerat, akurat som ani nevedela, kedy vlastne zacina :D kresba sa ti podarila :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťahoj zapsala sem si tě mezi favs :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťjá se na DW nedívám ale pár dílů už jsem viděla...a žádný z těch seriálů neznám :/
OdpovedaťOdstrániťDr who is my favourite of all time but im starting to drift off because of steven moffat, he hurts the story too much :(