Ahojte ľudia! Čo robíte? Ja som prišla s mojím prvým TAGom. A samozrejme to musím byť halloween. Nie som zrovna halloweenový nadšenec, ale som pripravená odpovedať na nejaké otázky. Tak poďme začať.
1. Oslavuješ halloween?
Vlastne ani nie. Nie je až tak populárny v tejto krajine. A nemám ani moc rada pôvodný učel halloweenu v minulosti. Dnes je to hlavne len komerčný sviatok, ale to mi nevadi, pretože je to niekedy pekné. Ale keď som bola malá zvykli sme doma vyrezávať tekvice, a to pravdepodobne všetko.
2. Čo máš na halloweene najradšej?
Tekvice! Sú milené a milujem ich. :D
3. Aký kostým budeš mať tento rok?
Asi nepôjdem na žiadny halloweensku párty, takže žiadny. Ale pozrela som do skrine a našla som pár kúskov, ktoré by som mohla použiť na kostým a nemusela žiaden kupovať.Tak som skúsila kostým Cersei Lannister.(obrázok dole) Čo si myslíte? Je aspoň trocha strašidelný?
4. Obľúbená sladkosť?
Myslím, že žiadna. U nás v obchodoch ani nie sú moc špeciálne halloweenske sladkosti.Ale rozhodne by som chcela ochutnať candy corn. Dúfam, že ich raz budú u nás predávať. Keď nie budem musieť za nimi. :D
5. Obľúbený film alebo epizódy?
No pozerávala som halloweenske diely PLL. Tak asi tie.
6. Upíri alebo zombie?
7. Tvoja obľúbená halloweenska pesnička na tento rok?
Nad halloweenskou pesničkou som nikdy nerozmýšľala, ale možno by to mohla byť Imelda May-It´s good to be alive.
A kto by mal ďalej spraviť tento TAG? Budem rada ak by ho spravili moje everyday reads, affs. Ale rozhodne by ho mal spraviť kto chce. Aj ty!
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And my costume :) |
Hi guys! Whats up? I'm here with my first tag. And of cousre it has to be halloween. I´m not a halloween lover I´m ready to answer some questions. So let's get started!
1. Do you celebrate halloween?
I actually don't. It's not so popular in my country. And I don't like the meaning of halloween in past. But now it's very comercial but I don't mind it, it's pretty. Also when I was young I used to carving pumpkins and thats probably all.
I actually don't. It's not so popular in my country. And I don't like the meaning of halloween in past. But now it's very comercial but I don't mind it, it's pretty. Also when I was young I used to carving pumpkins and thats probably all.
2. What do like most about halloween?
Pumpkins. They are cute, just love them. :D
Pumpkins. They are cute, just love them. :D
3. What costume are you gonna wear this year?
Probably I'm not going to any halloween party but I took a look in my wardrobe and found some clothes I can use as costume and I don't have to buy anyone. I tried costume of Cersei Lannister. What do you think? Is it at least little scary?
Probably I'm not going to any halloween party but I took a look in my wardrobe and found some clothes I can use as costume and I don't have to buy anyone. I tried costume of Cersei Lannister. What do you think? Is it at least little scary?
4. Favorite candy?
I don't think so. I mean there aren't so much special candies in our stores. But I wanna try candy corn. I hope they will be at stores in our country one dat. Or I will have to go for them. :D
I don't think so. I mean there aren't so much special candies in our stores. But I wanna try candy corn. I hope they will be at stores in our country one dat. Or I will have to go for them. :D
5. Favorite halloween movies or episodes?
I watched pretty little liars halloween episods.
I watched pretty little liars halloween episods.
6. Vampires or zombies?
7. Your faovorite halloween song for this year?
I think it should be Imelda May It´s good to be alive.
And who should do this TAG next? Definitly you!
(photos credit: weheartit.com)
(photos credit: weheartit.com)
pekny tag :) raz by som chcela oslavit halloween, ale mam pocit, ze som uz na to trochu privelka :D a ono mi to pride aj tak take zvlastne klopat na dvere cudzim ludom a chciet od nich sladkosti. nie je to prave ta vec, ktoru by deti nemali robit? ved sa hovori, ze sladkosti od cudzich ludi by sme si nemali brat, nie? to len trochu filozofickeho uvazovania nad halloweenom :D