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Irving Penn - Chestnut vendor New York, 1951 |
Bolo to túto poslednú stredu keď som jedla prvé pečené gaštany tento rok. Vždy vonia tak nádherne. A keď sú v zime predávané na ulici, tá vôňa je taká krásna, že vás núti zastaviť a kúpiť si pár. A potom vám zohrievajú ruky. A chutia skvelo.
Ale vedeli ste, že obsahujú veľa sacharidov - škrobu, vitamíny a sú výživné? Tak si pár kúpte, len vyskúšať.
Ale potom tak je tiež iný druh gaštanov, nie na jedenie, ale tie čo hľadáme pod stromami, schované v padnutom lístí. deti to stále robia. Ja som to tiež milovala a potom z nich vytvárala zvieratkí alebo panáčikov s pomocou drevených paličiek.
Hello strangers! Before I get to actual article let me tell you something totally out of subject because otherwise it will be way too short. Chestnuts? I'm going to think really hard for this. But it's also the only fall article I have come up with. That's pretty tragic. So, back to that something. How's it going? Yes, I just asked that. If you are thinking if that is that something that, nobody said it but we all thought it, should be better than actual article, than it's sucks, you human are wrong. (!) This question should be asked more nowdays. Don't forget to ask it today. And let me know how are you. And as long as it is my blog, I'm fine. Not that fine but just fine, you know ok. I was watching new episode of Doctor who, because that's the classic. Sometimes it looks like in other life I was british. I'm also learning some things about industry revolution, in England, because it's out current history subject so if you know something interesting now it's time to write me. And I'm also thinking what was first: knock, knock joke or Guns n' roses's knock knock knockin' on the heavens door. I'm actually trying to write my traditional sarcastic article. There wasn't any in a while. But to be honest it's more sarcastic when I'm writting tjan when I'm reading it. But now....back to chestnuts.
It was this wednesday when I have eaten my first delicious roadsted chesnuts this year. They always smell so wonderfully. And when they are sold on the streets in the winter that smell is so nice and makes you want to stop and buy some. And then they warmed your hands. And taste amazing.
But did you know they contains carbohydrates - starch, vitamins and they are nutritious? So buy some, just to try.
But there is also that kind of chestnuts, not to eat but the ones which we are looking for under the trees hidden in fallen leaves. Kids are still doing that. I loved to do as well and create animals or figures with help of wooden sticks.
nice, i always see it but never looked closely
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zbieranie gastanov je na jesen uplna klasika. pamatam si, ked som ako menzia chodila do Sadu Janka Krala a tam som ich aj s bratom zbierala. jedle gastany patria k jeseni aj zime. cez vikend som mala prvu varku, boli super, len sa trochu tazko supali :D radsej si ich kupujem niekde vonku, tie byvaju vacsinou lepsie narezane. alebo mam rada pecene zemiaky zo stanku, kde predavaju aj pecene gastany. to je mnamka :3
OdpovedaťOdstrániťako sa mam? to sa vacsina ludi pyta iba aby len tak nestala rec, nie? a slusne je odpovedat, ze sa mam fajn, dobre, v pohode, da sa... ah, ani uz neviem, ako sa naozaj mam. je mi zle zo skoly, snivalo sa mi, ze som vyskocila z asi desiateho poschodia nejakej budovy s mojim druhym ja a jedna z nas padla na brucho a druha na chrbat. a potom som rozmyslala, ci by to vobec zavazilo. nechcem chodit do skoly, iba chodit von, na vylety, fotit, spoznavat nove miesta. ale nemozem. najradsej by som sa na vsetko vykaslala, niekam sa zavrela a pockala, kedy budem mat chut cokolvek robit. takze asi tak sa mam. stratene.