Hello to October! In case you saw my twitter post you know that my little finger was broken. So, yeah, hello. But don´t you worry, I´ll be fine. Just a P.E injury. :D I have so many things to do for school, so I thought I might try a new system. 20 minuts of resting and 10 minust of studying. How´s it working? I tell, I should be studying right now. :D
But let´s back to something nice. After a small stop in Ikea I have some new things to decorate. I love those autumn friday evenings, watching new Doctor who episodes, changing decorations, nice warm tea and lights because it´s getting dark outside. I can literally feel autumns coziness all around. Colors of country are slowly changing. Air is colder. Fog falls down on the city. And I´m enjoying the view in the nice room. Minimalistic and cozy, in that skandinavian style. Isn´t that pretty?
Hope you like photos and I´ll see in a week.
(first picture credit: pinterest)
telesna je hrozny zabijak :D tiez som mala par zraneni, aj ked najcastejsie som bola po telesnej iba obetou neskutocnej svalovice :D
OdpovedaťOdstrániťjesenne vecery su krasne, priroda vonku je krasna, mam chut stale fotit, aj desatkrat ten isty strom, aby z toho bola uplne dokonala fotka :3 dekorovanie izby nie je uplne "my thing", cely rok ju mam rovnaku, ale bavi ma pozerat obrazky krasne vyzdobenych izieb na internete. naozaj krasne fotky :)
Thank you ❤
OdpovedaťOdstrániťLove the minimalist look!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťStay gold,
wau, vsetko sa mi to neskutocne paci a tvoj instagram je jeden z najkrajsich, ake sledujem! :)
OdpovedaťOdstrániťa ten obrazok je uzasny, jesen je moje asi najoblubenejsie obdobie.. takze to vsetko chapem :))