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Najskôr, si, ale položte jednoduché otázky. Počuli ste už niekdy predtým meno Terry Pratchett? A potom. Vieto kto naozaj je? Pretože tu je príbeh. Trocha to pokazím, je to autor a videla som skvelú recenziu jednej z jeho kníh na internete. To meno mi prišlo také povedomé, ale nevedela som kto to vlastne je. Tak na druhý deň som sa naňho opýtala kamarátky a povedala, že jej to niečo hovorí. A opýtala som sa aj dalľej kamarátky a dostala som tú istú odpoveď. Teraz sa len pýta ľudí čo sú do kníh o Pratchettovi a robím prieskum alebo čo. Samozrejme, preklepla som ho na internete, takže, dámi a páni, predstavujem vám Sira Terryho Patchetta. Bol to britský fantasy spisovateľ najviac známy pre jeho sériu o Úžasnej Plochozemi. Pre pár dôvodov je považovaný za literárneho génia. Napísal aj pár skvelých kníh pre deti. Zomrel len minulí rok, tak Pratchett, tento článok je pre teba a sľubujem, že si niečo prečítam.
On je ten chlapík s bradou a klobúkom a opäť pri prezeraní fotiek sa mi zdal povedomý. No tak! No, je dosť pravdepodobné, že sme sa o ňom učili v škole alebo hom ho už videla predtým na internete alebo ani jedno a naozaj len vyzerá povedome. Mohla by som vymyslieť nejakú vážnu teóriu a dať do toho trocha zábavi, ale pravdepodobne zpmriete od nudy pri čítaní tohto článku. Sorry (not sorry :-D).
Teraz by som rada povedala, že ďalšia kniha čo si prečítam bude od Pratchetta, ale asi nie. Viete, v škole povedali, že Molliere je lepšia voľba.
Dúfam, že ste naozaj nevedeli kto je Terry Pratchett, lebo inak je tento článok dosť bez pointy.
Každopádne, dúfam, že vás čaká skvelý týždeň a ako písal Spike Miligan,
love, light and peace.
Hello! Don't know if you have noticed but I'm actually thinking about article titles now. And it probably makes no sense to you. Well, luckily, I'm here to explain.
First of all, ask yourself simple questions. Have you ever heard the name Terry Pratchett before? And then. Do you know who he actually is? Because here's a story. I spoil it a little bit he's a writer and I saw a great book recommendation to one of his books on the internet. That name sounded so familiar but I just didn't know who he actually was. So the next day I ask my friend about him and she answered that it told something to her but that's all. So I asked another friend and got the same answer. Now I'm just asking people who are into books about Pratchett and doing a research or what. Obviously, I have googled him so, ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you Sir Terry Pratchett. He was a British fantasy writer most known for his Discworld series. For a few reasons called as a literal genius. He wrote few amazing books from kids. He died just last year so Pratchett this article is for you and I promise I'll read something.
He's that guy with beard and hat and again looking at pictures of him he looked familiar. Damn it! Well, most likely we learnt in school about him or I just saw him on the internet before or neither of it and he truly just looks familiar. I could create some serious theory and put some fun in it, but you're probably gonna die from boredom while reading this article. Sorry (not sorry :-D).
Now I'm would like to say that the next book I read will be one by Pratchett, but probably not. You know at school they said Molliere's a better choice.
Hope you really didn't know who is Terry Pratchett, otherwise, this article is pretty much pointless.
Anyway have a nice week, and as Spike Miligan wrote,
love, light and peace.
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