O knihách som v poslednej chvíli po písala celkom dosť, ale skrátka mam pocit, že na niektoré musím napísať svoj názor. A posledná kniha, ktorú som čítala, bola Trón zo skla od Sarah J. Mass.
Podľa mňa, je to taký ten klasický typ teenagerskej klasiky. Ak by som to čítala tak 4 roky dozadu, určite by som si to hneď zamilovala. Ale najskôr, prečo som si vlastne kúpila túto knihu. Videla som na ňu skvelé doporučenia a tak som ju musela vyskúšať. Samozrejme, som si prečítala o čom to bolo, ale knihy ako tieto mi prídu celkom oddychové. Pretože, no je to fantasy, nič reálne, čiže nad tým nemusím až tak moc rozmýšľať a je to dobrá prestávka od reality. A ak by som si túto knihu prečítala v skorších rokoch, určite by to bola posadnutosť. Niečo ako Hry o život. Hádam, že by sa mi tie knihy nepáčili až tak dnes ako vtedy.
Trón zo skla je o nájomnej vrahyni menom Celeana Sardothien, ktorá musí bojovať proti ďalším 23 mužom, aby sa stala kráľovnou šampiónkou a potom získala slobodu. S nejakými tými démonmi a milostným trojuholníkom. Klišé.
Naviac, ani mi to neprišlo až tak napínavé ako som čakala. Čo je vždy sklamaním.
Tiež som čítala, že druhá kniha je ešte lepšia. Noo, neviem ci vám teraz až tak verím. Ale tu je vec, poznám sa a keď sa budem nudiť pravdepodobne si to pokračovanie prečítam.
Ak máte 13 tak vám túto knihu doporučujem. Samozrejme aj keď ste straší sa vám to môže páčiť. Ale ak ste ako ja a takéto teenagerské fantasy vám príde trocha nostalgické alebo potrebujeme malú zmenu medzi Danom Brawnom a Shakespearom, tak je to tiež dobrá voľba.
I've been writing a lot about books lately, but I just have this feeling that I have to write my opinion on some of them. And the latest book I have read was Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Mass.
In my opinion, it's that classic type of young adult fantasy books. If I read this like four years ago I would love it. But at first, why I even bought this book. I saw amazing reviews about it and I just had to try it. Obviously, I read what it was about, but I find books like this quite relaxing. Because, well it's fantasy nothing real, so I don't have to think that much and it's a nice break from reality. And If I read this one in my early years it would probably be my obsession. Like Hunger Games. I guess I wouldn't like it these days as much as I did then.
Throne of Glass is about assassin called Celeana Sardothien who has to fight another 23 men to become a king's champion and then get her freedom. With some demons and love triangle. Cliché.
What’s more, I didn't even find it that thrilling. Which is always a disappointment.
I also read that second book is even better. Yeah, I'm not sure if I believe you now. But here's a thing, I know myself and when I'm bored I will probably read the sequel as well.
If you are 13, then I really recommend this book to you. Of course, even when you are older, you can still enjoy it. But if you are like me and young adult fantasy makes you feel a little bit nostalgic or you need a little change from Dan Brown and Shakespeare, then it's good choice either.
Beautiful review, I don't know the book, tho. Lovely blog here btw! Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Please let me know on my blog so I can follow back. Thank you.
Thanks for the review, I didn't know this book so far!
OdpovedaťOdstrániťxx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena
Beautiful! This is such a well written post.
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