Začnem tento článok s úprimnou vetou, nikdy som nebola veľký fanúšik Shakespeara. Zatiaľ má, ale nenáviďte. Aj keď nemôžem povedať, že sa to nejako radikálne zmenilo, ale odteraz sa mu nevyhýbam a plánujem ho čítať.
Na druhú stranu, naozaj mám rada divadelné adaptácie jeho komédii.
Ale teraz som mu naozaj musela čeliť. Musela som čítať Hamlet tento rok do školy. Plus som aj tak vedela koniec. Plus som tú knihu dostala na Vianoce. Ale nebola som moc v nálade čítať tragédiu cez sviatky. Tak s nie tak veľkými očakávaniami, rozhodla som sa to prečítať minulý týždeň. A musím uznať, nebolo to až také zlé. Je to hra, čiže je to rýchle čítanie so skvelými citáciami. Ak náhodou neviete, je to príbeh o dánskom princovi Hamletovi, ktorý zistí, že jeho otec bol zavraždený jeho strýko., ktorý sa stal kráľom tým, že si zobral jeho matku. A je to tragédia, tak sa pripravte na smrť.
Hádam, že si prečítam viacej od Shakespeara v budúcnosti, ale tentokrát si vyberiem komédiu, myslím, žeby sa mi to mohlo páčiť viac.
Ste niektorý fanúšikmi Shakespeare?
I'm going to start this article with an honest sentence, I've never been a big Shakespeare fan. Don't hate me yet. Well, I also can't say it has changed radically, but now I'm not avoiding him and I'm planning to read him.
First thing first, how it all started. All because the first book I read by him was Romeo and Juliet. Fatal mistake. Of course, it's classic, but in this time little bit boring, and it's that type of book that you don't even have to read the book or watch the movie and you know the ending.
On the other hand, I really loved adaptations of his comedies in theater.
But now I really had to face him. I have to read Hamlet for school this year. Plus I knew the ending anyway. Plus I got for Christmas. But I really wasn't in the mood reading tragedy during holidays. So with not so big expectations I pick it up last week. And I have to admit it wasn't that bad at all.
It's a play so it's a quick reading and it has some pretty great quotes. In case you don't know, it's a story about danish prince Hamlet who finds out his father was murdered by his uncle who became king by marrying his mother. And it's a tragedy so prepare for dying.
I guess I'm going to read more Shakespeare in the future, but this time, I'm going with something comedy, I think I might like it more.
Are any of you Shakespeare´s fans?
fanusikom Shakespeara by som sa urcite nenazyvala, ale uz dlhsi cas si chcem precitat nejaku jeho komediu. zatial som precitala iba tragedie a to akosi nebolo uplne ono. vidiet jeho diela ako divadlo je vsak vzdy fajn :)
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