nedeľa 13. marca 2016

Sunday inspiration. The curious case of Benjamin Button

Čas na niečo nové. Rozhodla som sa dať vám nejakú inšpiráciu na peknú nedeľu. Tentokrát film. Podivný prípad Benjamina Buttona je založený na predlohe od F. Scott Fitzgeralda. Je to príbeh o chlapcovi, ktorý sa narodí ako strý muž a mládne s vekom.

Hlavní hrdina však místo stárnutí začíná mládnout, což se mu nejdřív líbí, ale postupem času obrátí. Protože prožívat svůj život v opačném směru a mládnout vedle své pozvolna stárnoucí lásky, to není úplně normální.
Je to niečo ako Forest Gump(čo je môj ďalší obľúbený film skvelý na nedeľu) len v opačnom poradí. S Bradom Pittom a Kate Blanchett v hlavnej úlohe.Je to založené na Fitzgeraldovi čo už hovorí, že to musí byť dobré. Aj keď som knihu ešte nečítala, videla som film dvakrát a naozaj sa mi páčil. Je záhadný, emotívny a skvelými citáciami.Môj obľúbený citaát je: "nezáleží na tom ako dobre hraješ, ale aký máš z toho pocit."Naozaj vám tento film doporučujem. Je perfektný na nedeľu.

Time for something new. I decided to bring you some inspiration for a lovely Sunday. Movie this time. The curious case of Benjamin Button is based on the novel by F.Scott Fitzgerald. It´s a story of a boy who is born as an old man and gets younger by age.
On the day that Hurricane Katrina hits New Orleans, elderly Daisy Williams (nee Fuller) is on her deathbed in a New Orleans hospital. At her side is her adult daughter, Caroline. Daisy asks Caroline to read to her aloud the diary of Daisy's lifelong friend, Benjamin Button. Benjamin's diary recounts his entire extraordinary life, the primary unusual aspect of which was his aging backwards, being diagnosed with several aging diseases at birth and thus given little chance of survival, but who does survive and gets younger with time. Abandoned by his biological father, Thomas Button, after Benjamin's biological mother died in childbirth, Benjamin was raised by Queenie, a black woman and caregiver at a seniors home. Daisy's grandmother was a resident at that home, which is where she first met Benjamin.
It´s like a Forest Gump(which is another favorite movie of mine great for Sunday) just in opposite order. Starring Brad Pitt and Kate Blanchett as main characters.
It´s based on Fitzgerald even that says it has to be great. Even though I haven´t read the book yet, I´ve seen this movie twice and I really liked it. It´s mysterious, emotional, with great quotes. Really like this one: "It´s not about how well you play, it´s how you feel about what you play."
I really recommend this movie to you. It´s perfect for Sunday.

1 komentár:

  1. o tomto filme som tusim pocula, aj ked si tym nie som uplne ista. kazdopadne, myslela by som si, ze za tym nazvom sa neskryva nic pre mna, ale vyzera to na pravy opak. tusim si ma fakt inspirovala, snad si ten film aj dnes stihnem pozriet, pretoze vyzera fakt zaujimavo :)
